Japan's National Institute for Research on Materials and Materials (NIMS) announced that it has expanded the area of perovskite solar cells to more than 1 cm square, and by improving the manufacturing method of the elements, the world's first perovskite solar cells in the photovoltaic power generation of the Institute of Industrial Technology The research center evaluation criteria group achieved a conversion efficiency of 15%. This is the result of a research and development team headed by Han Ye-won, head of the photovoltaic power generation materials team.
The conversion efficiencies of previously reported perovskite solar cells are basically values obtained with small-area cells (about 0.1 cm2). The conversion efficiency of 20.1% (with a cell area of 0.0955cm2) has been reported before, but due to the small cell area, the measurement error is large, and the measurement method has not been disclosed. Therefore, the 15% efficiency of perovskite cells released by Japan's National Institute for Materials Research (NIMS) is a big improvement on the existing basis.
In the future, based on this achievement, we will develop carrier transport materials with higher performance and achieve higher conversion efficiency by controlling the interface of perovskite solar cells.
Borun New Material Technology perovskite battery research team has begun to research large-area perovskite battery modules. After technical research, they have also made major breakthroughs in the production process of low-cost fully printed perovskite solar battery modules.